Let’s imagine for a moment—you are sitting at your desk and your dog ambles over for a belly rub or the chance for an unexpected treat. Your feline friend jumps on your lap and proceeds to purr like an engine as you stroke her fur– how does that make you feel? Pretty darn swell, right? I’m one lucky pooch as I go to work with my human every day and, not to throw my own ball, but I have seen how people’s moods soar when I saunter into the room. Banfield Pet Hospital recently unveiled their first ever pet-friendly workplace “PAWrometer”™ that provides proof of what we pets have known all along—that a pet-friendly workplace has a positive impact on humans. The survey was developed to explore the prevalence, impact and perceptions of pet-friendly workplaces as relates to employees and company culture. The vast majority of responses indicate that pet-friendly workplaces have a positive impact. We pets have always known that our job is to help our humans enjoy life—whether we’re at home or at work. Without our help think of all the joy they would miss—playing with us, watching us bark at birds and chase squirrels. As for me, I go to work every day with my human and I know I’m the cornerstone of my office. I am a very hardworking dog and I am certain that without me, this whole operation would crumble like a wet doggy biscuit.